Sunday, October 24, 2010

A small letter to Micah

Dear Micah,
There is so much I have to say to you my sweet baby, but I will keep it short. You are so important to us and we all wanted so badly to have you here with us. We are so blessed to have had you here with us for the short time that we did. There was great joy in our house when we learned that you were growing in my tummy and there was great sorrow in our house when we learned that you had gone home to be with Jesus. We all have so many things we wanted to do with you, but never will. You are our seventh child and always will be. We will always love you and will forever miss you. We await the time that we are called home and can be with you again. What a sweet day that will be. Until then please know that Mommy, Daddy, Shelby, Emily, Jacob, Annabelle, Faith and Isaac love you very much!

Monday, October 18, 2010

busy week

We just finished up our fall break here in Arizona. We had some really great family time. We did all sorts of things. Our week included horseback riding, tie dyeing t-shirts, visiting Grandma and her puppies, barbequeing at the park, going to the zoo, walking for our angel Micah, hiking the natural bridge in Payson and riding fun rides at Schnepf's Farm. I was so busy this past week that I wasn't able to write any angel names, but I hope to get to them all this week. I want you to know that your angels are very important to me and I haven't forgotten them. Thank you ladies for your patience it is much appreciated:)
Micah's mommy

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can you see it too?

I took this photo this evening from my back yard. I wanted to share it with all of you because to me that big cloud in the middle looks like a baby angel. What do you think? Can you see it too? Maybe it was a visit from my sweet angel baby Micah. That's a sweet thought so I'm going to go with that.

Thank you for your visit sweet Micah! I love you so much sweet baby. Please visit me again soon.

Emma Grace & Hannah Rae

June 28, 2007

September 23, 2009

Riley & Peyton

February 11, 2010

August 19, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A gift from my sweet Annabelle

After watching her mommy write today's angel names my six year old daughter did the sweetest thing. My Annabelle Grace got a pen and a paper and started writing the angels' names down. She looked through each photo and made sure she spelled each name correctly. She wanted to know each one's story. I told her all that I knew of each angel. She said "That isn't fair! They didn't even get the chance to live!" How true, baby girl, how true. Then she showed such grown up love and told me "But they are alive Mommy. They live in Heaven where they can never get sick or hurt or be sad. They are with God and He takes care of them!" That is the best truth I have heard yet! I already knew that, but there is something so special when it comes from the heart of a child. Something so innocent, so pure and so true. Thank you baby girl for thinking of all of our angels today.

Sebastion Rush

August 12, 2010

Sophia Rene Beserra

passed away on March 11, 2008 and was born with her serviving twin sister on June 30, 2008