I must start this by apologizing to those of you who have requested your angel's name be written on Micah's grass. I want you to know that I haven't forgotten you or your precious babies.
Since moving to our new house a year ago I have had so much trouble getting any grass to grow and look nice at all. The grass that does grow is very unhealthy and does not photograph well. I was still trying though, because it means a lot to do this for all of your precious babies and for mine.
For a few months now a fungus or mold of some sort was growing and killing what little grass I did have. That is why the requests have not yet been filled. I was trying to find a way to get the grass healthy and beautiful.
Well, we found the problem. It was an underground break in one of our pipes. This was bad in a few ways, but the worst was that Micah's grass had to go. It had to be dug up to fix the pipe.
So I am sad to say that I must once again put Micah's Gift on hold. This time it is likely to be for much longer than last time. I want to be sure that I will be able to continue without interruption due to lack of grass before I start again.
I miss my grass at my old house:( It grew so well and I never had to worry about any of this. In fact, it grew too well. It took over the rest of our yard and we had to cut it back.
I will figure something out though. This will NOT be the end of Micah's gift!! I am so sorry for not completing all of the requests. You will be first in line once I fix my grass problem.
Thank you all for being so understanding and patient. I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious children. God bless you all.
Micah's Gift
angel names written on blades of grass in honor of our angel Micah Quinn
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Micah Quinn

Yes, my angel is a little spoiled. I wrote Micah's name a few times just to see what looked best on this new grass. I was experimenting with colors and thicknesses of markers because Micah's new grass is much different than the grass we had at our old house. I think the thin black marker still works best though. The name is nice and clear with that one so that is what I will probably be using. I will always do my best to make your angel's photo the most beautiful that it can be. It is an honor and a privilege to write your angels' names for you.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Requests are open again!!!!!
Micah's Gift has returned!!!!!!!
Some beautiful green grass has grown in our back yard. It is not a lot, but it is enough to write some precious angel names on. I am so happy that I am now able to take requests again. Since I have moved to a new home and now have a new patch of grass I will gladly write your angel's name again if I have already written it so that your angel can once again "grow" and "play" in Micah's grass. If you haven't had your angel's name written on a blade of grass yet or just would like to see it written again, please make a request through my email listed in the request page. Please let me know if it will be the first or second time I am writing your angel's name so that I can be sure your second picture looks different from your first. I am just so happy that I can once again do something special to honor my angel while creating something in memory of your precious angels for you. Thank you for sharing your precious angels with me and allowing me to create a gift for you in their precious names. God bless you all!!!
Mary (Micah's mom)
Some beautiful green grass has grown in our back yard. It is not a lot, but it is enough to write some precious angel names on. I am so happy that I am now able to take requests again. Since I have moved to a new home and now have a new patch of grass I will gladly write your angel's name again if I have already written it so that your angel can once again "grow" and "play" in Micah's grass. If you haven't had your angel's name written on a blade of grass yet or just would like to see it written again, please make a request through my email listed in the request page. Please let me know if it will be the first or second time I am writing your angel's name so that I can be sure your second picture looks different from your first. I am just so happy that I can once again do something special to honor my angel while creating something in memory of your precious angels for you. Thank you for sharing your precious angels with me and allowing me to create a gift for you in their precious names. God bless you all!!!
Mary (Micah's mom)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Good And Bad News
Well, the good news is that I was able to finish the remaining requests that I have. The bad news is that it wasn't how I wanted to. I have been very sick this week due to a lovely flu that my daughter brought home from school. While I was sick, my husband went to do some work at the old house. He was repainting the walls and laying new carpet. Well, he got really energetic and cut the grass too. This was something that was going to have to be done since we were going to have to give the house back, but I didn't want him to do it yet! He didn't know that I still had requests to fill and that I still needed that grass. So I had to figure out a new plan for Micah's newest little friends. I was able to find a small patch of grass in the back of our new back yard that would work just fine. It is pretty beat up from the winter weather and no care at all, but I found some nice blades to put the names on. This grass is a very different grass from our old grass. It is furry and is easily maneuvered. At first I didn't like that it was furry because you can see all the little hairs in the photos, but once I thought about it a little more the tiny hairs reminded me of all the tiny hairs that cover the body of a newborn baby. It seemed sort of sweet so I decided that I like the little hairs. I really love that I can move it however I want and make it lay flat. It really makes photographing and writing easier. An added bonus is that the blades are much wider too. I absolutely love this because it was so hard to write legibly on the skinny blades and to get the camera to focus that close was nearly impossible. I am not sure if this grass will be my new patch of grass or not because it is in the kids' play area. I think I may need to plant some grass in another part of our yard where the kids don't play. Also, there isn't much of this grass at all to add more names to. So I must still keep requests closed for now, but at least now Micah's newest little friends have a place to "grow" and "play" together. It is simply beautiful to see all the little names on the blades of grass blowing in the breeze. Please join me in remembering these newest little angels and their families as I post their photos in the next couple of days. I look forward to the time that I can open requests again and remember all of your little angels with you. God bless you all.
Friday, March 11, 2011
No new requests at this time please
I have moved and have had to leave Micah's patch of grass behind so I cannot take any new requests at this time. I do still have access to our old house for about two more weeks so I will be able to write the names that have already been requested, but no new ones. I must apologise to those of you waiting for your precious children's names to be written. I know some of you have been waiting as long as two months and I am sorry. We were going through the house buying process and have been between houses. In addition to that, my camera has not been working for about one month. I am going to purchase a new battery and take it to get repaired. I will have your requests ALL completed in the next two weeks. Thank you all for your understanding and patience! I am not sure when I will be able to take new requests because I will have to grow some new grass for Micah and all of his/her friends. Please check back as I would love to write all of your children's names for you as soon as Micah's new grass grows. God bless you all!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
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